News and Activities
Our paper Multiplicative enhancement of stereoenrichment by a single catalyst for deracemization of alcohols is online and highlighted by Prof. Sarpong !! Explore our paper on the website (the full paper can be accessed for free by clicking on this link) and the highlight on
Qing won the Poster Prize in the XXIII International Conference on Organic Synthesis (23-ICOS). Well done!!! Congratulations!!!
23-ICOS Conference. We had nice chances to communicate with chemists from all over the world, and we had an amazing evening on the ferry dinner.
Happy summer days in Universal Beijing Resort.
The 16th International Symposium for Chinese Organic Chemists (ISCOC) held in Peking University, with the full group in Beijing.
Visiting the Forbidden City, Summer Palace…
Congratulations to AN Qing for his successful oral defense to become a Ph.D! Congratulations to LUO Shuaishuai that he obtained his master’s degree!
The 33rd CCS Congress in Qingdao (九秩之年,风华正茂). AN Qing’s poster attracted great attention during the congress and he won ‘the best poster’ prize, congratulations!!
A short visit in Qingdao with nice seafood!
Congratulations to Dr. Chang Liang (former postdoctoral researcher), Dr. Wang Shun, Dr. An Qing, Liu Linxuan, Wang Hexiang, Li Yubo and Feng Kaixuan for their review published on CHEMICAL SCIENCE! DOI:10.1039/D3SC01118F